Guide to getting started with juno.
Important Sections
Configure server wide settings to enhance your experience with juno.
Embed Scripting
Learn how to create unique messages using juno’s message scripting.
Key Features
Customize the appearance of juno’s profile via personal webhooks.
Share your music listening activity with your friends.
Music Player
Listen to music from a variety of sources inside voice channels.
Social Notifications
Automatically announce new social media posts from your favorite creators.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is juno different from other bots?
juno intends to provide an all-in-one solution for your community. It offers a wide range of features for FREE and is constantly being updated with new features.
How can I receive support or suggest a feature?
You can join our support server and ask for help or suggest a new feature. We’re always looking for ways to improve juno and your feedback is important to us.
How can I invite juno to my server?
You can invite juno to your server by visiting the invite page and selecting the server you’d like to add juno to from the dropdown menu.