What is Last.fm?

Last.fm is a website which tracks the music you listen to and provides statistics based on your listening history. You can register for a Last.fm account by clicking here.

Creating a Last.fm account



Visit the Last.fm registration page and fill in the required information.



Verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.

After creating your account, you’ll likely want to connect your Spotify account to automatically scrobble your listening activity. You can do this by visiting the Last.fm connections page and clicking the Connect button next to Spotify Scrobbling.

Connecting your Last.fm account

Use the lastfm login command, and follow the instructions sent in your direct messages.

juno will automatically cache your library in the background, please be patient before using any commands that rely on your library, as it may take a few seconds to fully index your library.

Your library will be automatically refreshed every 24 hours. You can also manually refresh your library early with the lastfm refresh command.


Setting a custom command

You can use a custom command to invoke the nowplaying command.

Last.fm commands don’t rely on a prefix (e.g. ;).

Now whenever you send ethanfm in a channel, juno will respond with your currently playing track via the nowplaying command.

Changing the voting reactions

You can change the default 👍 and 👎 reactions used for the nowplaying command.

Customizing the nowplaying embed

You can customize the embed that appears for the nowplaying command.

You’re able to use a custom embed script to create a unique design. For more information, visit the Embed Scripting page and Last.fm Variables for a list of available variables.

Premade Styles

Known Issues

Out of Sync

Last.fm and Spotify struggle to stay in sync, causing outdated information to be displayed.

  • Restart your Spotify application to force a refresh.
  • Disconnect and reconnect your Spotify account in the Last.fm connections.

Last.fm Failure

If you see an unexpected error message, it’s possible that Last.fm is currently down.