Embed scripting is a powerful feature that allows you to create dynamic embeds.


Each node in the embed is represented by a key-value pair which is separated by a colon. For example, the title node will look like {title: hello {user}}. The {user} is a variable which will be filled in with the user’s display name.


  • url - The embed URL. (https://..)
  • color - The embed color. (#BBAAEE)
  • title - The embed title. (hello {user})
  • description - The embed description. (hello {user})
  • image - The embed image URL. (https://..)
  • thumbnail - The embed thumbnail URL. (https://..)

The following nodes require additional arguments which are represented by &&.


{color: #ff0000}
{author: {guild} && {guild.icon}}
{title: hello {user}}
{description: this was sent in {channel.mention} `{channel.id}`}
{thumbnail: {user.avatar}}